Imaginaries of Transformation

Imaginaries of Transformation (2021/2050) This time-travel session took us from desirable futures back to our complicated past, asking: How do…

Graz 2030 im Klima des Wandels

Graz 2030 im Klima des Wandels Ein spekulatives, kollektives Zukunftshörprojekt * Juni- Oktober 2020 Dieses Projekt ist eine kollektive Zeitreise,…

Ideas, society, politics, 2007

[ENG] Jane Jones ///////// science, women, transcendentalism, nature vs. culture See/Austria, 2007 [DE] Eva Meran ////// democracy, representation, students, global…

Arts, lives, collaborations 2007

[DE] Ann Cotten //// Allgemeines Durchkommen, Berlin, Miete, Schreiben Berlin/DE 2007 [ENG] Richard Barbrook ///// democracy, London, art, technology, change…

Care, networks, movements / Cuidados, redes, movimientos

How do we imagine and project the future of the networks that sustain our everyday life and practices (political, cultural,…